Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweet Summer is Comin'

Pulled myself out of bed at 8 this morning. I guess I got around 7 hours, pretty good, but I still felt exhausted after being up so late with Emma.

Dani headed off on her overnight school field trip. I ran over to the school at 8:30am, to get a few cell #'s, slip her $20, and say goodbye. Boy, it was so efficient. Dani's class filed out, loaded their stuff, jumped on the bus, and that was it. I wanted to linger over the goodbye, but the teachers and chaperones were all business. But I need hugs and kisses! Sigh. I hope she's okay.

The weather was so good today, with a high of 69°, that I got into the garage, shook the dust off the bike and trailer, pumped up the tires, and headed out to the library. We almost didn't make it. Foofie-Loo was VERY tired and cranky, after her lousy night of sleep, and I almost turned back, but she quieted down, so I kept going. It's just a short ride, only about five minutes, but it felt really good to be out and about. I'm glad we went. The kids had fun at the library.

They've got their water and they're ready to ride!

It's a great little kids' corner in the children's section of the White Mountain library. I kept asking Connor if he wanted to pick a book, but he was too distracted. No books for him, I guess, but still, it's a fun place.

For some reason, it just looked like she was standing on the bridge of a spaceship, doing her thing, being large and in charge.

After a while, it was time to go home, and get poor Deet-Deet a nap. Thank goodness! She slept for three hours, and was feeling a lot better after that.

At the library, it occured to me that outdoor-cooking season is coming, and I reserved some books on dutch oven cooking. Can't wait to kick the dust off these, and cook some yummy meals!!! Along with the planned renovations of our backyard, I'd like to add a brick fire pit, with a bricked patch where I can use dutch ovens. Oh, I am so looking forward to summer!

While baby napped, Connor and I made cookies. I actually let him work the mixer. It could have been a disaster, but he did pretty well.

Nothin' like licking the beaters!
He loves the sprinkles.

It was fun making cookies, but I might be cookied-out for a while. Time to get some outdoor cooking going!

I went visiting teaching early tonight. And it was kind of funny because Katharine and I decided to do a drive-by because Rosalba's cell# wasn't working anymore. We found her and her husband in the parking lot of their apartment complex cleaning out their truck while their kids played at the playground. So, we had a nice visit there in the parking lot. Kind of fun!

I threw together a bag of cards/stationery from my stash to give to her for a belated birthday present, and managed to make a new one really quick. I keep forgetting how much fun it is making cards! I hope I get to play some more tomorrow. We'll see.

Cleaned up the house upstairs tonight, it felt good. Hopefully, it will make tomorrow a little more productive.

'Night y'all!!!

End Post #79, 2009

P.S. You slackers and blog stalkers need to start commenting. I feel like I'm talking to myself here! Not that I don't do that way too often, but it's gonna get even weirder without some feedback!


Sue said...

Who'd you con into taking your picture with the bike and trailer? You're a girl after my own heart!

If our kid section at the library had all those cool toys, my kids probably wouldn't care about picking out books, either!

Sounds like it was a good, cheerful day. I've got spring fever, too. Went for a long walk with the little ones on Monday and Tuesday and managed to get a pretty bad sunburn. Note to self: You're still a honky. Get some sunscreen!

Jenn said...

You asked for a comment, well here you go! Good for you for getting the bike out, I did the same thing this morning. And your library is really, really cool. I've been in the mood for dutch oven as well, I even dug it out of the garage the other day. Let me know what recipes are good!

P.S. I don't think anyone actually looks at my blog anymore, but I did finally update it for all of your viewing pleasure!

Lois Ann said...

Next time you talk to Pilch Construction, tell her I don't seem to have been invited to her site- so how can I comment :-)?
However, I have seen some of Josh's pix on Facebook.
I am ready for spring too - our ward clean-up is Saturday so I better get some trash ready. The Young Men are supposed to come and dig out my flower beds tomorrow for a project.