Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Things Part 2

Okay hold onto your butts mouse because I've figured out how to upload videos to my computer, do a little editing, upload them to my new YouTube account, then post them on my blog!!! So, as if you didn't have enough to do looking at my blog every morning, here goes a new dimension: videos.

Yep, Foofie-Loo can scream like a Nazgul. We've started to try and teach her not to scream, but only time will tell.

I piddled around too long this morning, and didn't get my exercising done until the kids had woken up. Mistake!

Okay, there are more. Maybe tomorrow...

My dinosaur laptop, with it's small memory, has really, really slowed down. It's all those darn Supernatural episodes I've downloaded! I've got to clear out the memory, defrag it, then hopefully it will work faster. In the meantime, I've started painting my toenails & fingernails as I wait for things to process. How annoying! But my fingers and toes are pretty!

I also made bread today, using my new loafpan for the first time. I'm starting to get into this food storage thing, so I'm teaching myself how to make good bread. I'll take pics after I perfect the process. Maybe just a few more loaves...

End Post #87, 2009


Lois Ann said...

Wow! Now we get video too? I'm impressed. Before you get rid of all the Supernatural episodes, I'd like to see one when I come to visit you.

Sue said...

The size of that girl's mouth is truly impressive!

I have an awesome bread recipe that my friend gave to me. It uses lecithin and SAF yeast and only takes one hour start to finish. You can use it for loaves, rolls, pizza crust, braids and lots of other fancy things I haven't learned how to make yet. Check it out at www.pantrysecrets.net.

Jenn said...

I've been on a huge food storage kick too. Although I've never made bread and need to learn how to do that! Sue if you read this by chance, you mentioned a couple of posts ago that you had a chart for cleaning your house. I need something like that, so please do tell...