Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do Better

Pic taken May 2005
This makes me want to take a trip to Temple Square to photograph all the spring flowers. Are they out yet? And what time of day is the best for taking pictures?

General Conference was great, as it usually is when you come ready to listen. There were some really inspirational talks. I hope I stay motivated to reread them, and listen to them again, if the audio is available on the Church website, over the next few months. I felt ready to get up, and get busy doing better. Reaching out to serve others more, get my act together financially, and attend the temple more. Good stuff! After listening to all the stories and examples, I also felt like counting my blessings, which maybe I make a big blog post about tomorrow when I've got more time, as I realized there are many in bigger financial straits than we are, and who have suffered through so much more. At least Zen is employed, and I have some skills to bring in a little money. It could be a lot, lot worse. My kids are healthy, we are all healthy, no major illnesses like cancer. We have each other, we are sealed together, we know that Christ lives, that He and Heavenly Father love us, that we have repentance and the Great Plan of Happiness, and that all the ills of mortality can be reconciled, either in this life, or the next, through faith in Christ. Life is very good.

Time Log -

8:45 am - get up, shower & dress, puttered around, looked at my Accucut dies
10 am - listened to General Conference on the internet while I made breakfast
12 noon - we cleaned the ENTIRE upstairs, bathroom & bedrooms included. Why? Zen had invited one of his coworkers over for dinner. It was iffy whether or not his friend was going to come, but we wanted to be ready.
1:20 pm - in my craftroom, looking at a catalog
2 pm - listened to General Conference on the internet while I looked at things in my craftroom, then I went upstairs to start cooking chicken (bought 2 big packs at Smith's yesterday, and they needed to be cooked & frozen), also made cookies
6 pm - finished cooking, ate dinner with the family at our kitchen table (an extremely rare occurence), then took a nap
8:45 pm - woke up, helped kids, searched for things on the internet, gave Emma a bath & put her to bed, wrote my post

End Post #58, 2009

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