Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Cookie Phase

Aahhh... sweet lusciousness. These are Peanut Butter cookies w/ Reece's Pieces, and in the back are sugar cookies with a few orange sprinkles ala Halloween. Tangent - can I just say that I think it's awesome that my B-day is in October? I have always loved having pumpkin-shaped b-day cakes. Orange, purple, yellow, and black are great color combos.

Anyway, I've been on this weird cookie-baking binge lately, where I HAVE to make a batch of cookies almost every day. Yesterday it was the peanut butter cookies and today was the sugar cookies. It's like my commitment to exercising, a daily thing. But they work at cross-purposes. What's up with that?

End Post #76, 2009

1 comment:

Sue said...

Cookie, Cookie, me want Cookie!

It's like when I exercise- I'm so ravenous afterwards that I end up pigging out and cancelling out all of my hard work. Doh!