Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Little Moments

Just some random stuff from today.

Connor likes to play with his baby sister sometimes, and today he was playing blankie snuggle.

Emma's favorite food right now is bananas. If you leave a whole banana where she can get it, she'll knaw through the peel to get to the good stuff.

Connor actually got me to play with him today. We played a good game of hide and seek. I hid in my shower downstairs, then yelled "boo" when he came into the room. Kind of a reverse Norman Bates. Should I be allowed to play with children? Anyway, Connor thought it was a good time.

Experimented today with the bread loaf pan, and made a half-white/half-wheat loaf. It makes the perfect-size bread slice, just right for cheese. It's a ginormously long loaf, but then I don't have to cook again for a few days. Muy yummy!

End Post #88, 2009

1 comment:

Lois Ann said...

Of Course you can play with your kids. Those are probably the times they will remember best and love you for :-)
Jane is visiting SLC this week. New grandbaby Parker Montmeny arrived Tuesday afternoon. She and I will go to the new Draper temple later this morning; popcorn and a movie party here Friday night with Sue, Amelia and Mackay plus whoever else shows up.