Friday, April 17, 2009

Random Babbling at 2am

Well, well, well, 1:30am, what do I write about?

Paid all my bills this morning, balanced the checkbook, exercised. Then wasted the rest of the day. Truth sucks, sometimes.

What do you think heaven is really like? Why is even the lowest kingdom better than earth life? Who will we really be hanging out with? Maybe hell is hanging out with people just like yourself. Maybe heaven is the same thing.

Judgement is really going to suck. How else could it be the slightest purifying, redemptive, if it wasn't painful? But maybe that's what we get for justice, if we give up on mercy and its pricetag.

1 comment:

Sue said...

See? This is what happens when you don't go to bed at a decent hour. Your brain starts getting all whacked out and philosophical. :)

Sounds like you're feeling like I did a couple of days ago. Not worthy. Never able to keep up and accomplish what I set out to do. While sleep usually helps with these feelings, I also have to constantly remind myself that God is merciful, that He knows my heart, and that He will bouy me up in my challenges. I just have to give what I'm able to give each day. Some days it's a lot, some days it's basically nothing.

Because of Christ's atonement and God's mercy, I don't think judgement will be too horrible as long as we have given it our best effort on the days we were able.

Love ya, sis!