Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Spit At You!

That darn Foofie! I think she's decided she doesn't eat baby food anymore. I noticed her spitting her food out a few times over the last few days when she decided she didn't want anymore. But today, she would do that EVERY TIME I fed her just a few bites of baby food. The only things she would eat willingly were things she could put in her mouth herself, like baby cracker puffs, bread crusts, chips, etc., and of course, her bottle. Little Miss Independent! Zen and I have gone on and on for years about how once Dani got mobile, she was a sassy girl. Emma is doing it too, darn her! I'm just raising more Cox Independent Women. Sheesh! Wish I had pics, but spit-out baby food is kind of gross, and besides, I have to work fast to clean up the food before she spreads it everywhere. But maybe...

End Post #60, 2009

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