Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's Like Christmas

Yep, 3am, and we're just going to bed. Why? --->

Beading, of course. What else would be doing just before the Easter Bunny visits? It's like the wee hours of Christmas morning - finishing those last projects for the "Big Reveal."

Our completed projects for all the girls: Emma got a fixed ladybug binky chain and a new matching bracelet, Lily has the yellow & silver bracelet, Dani is black and silver, and Amelia is pink and green.

More tomorrow! Must get a few hours of sleep before church at 9am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously... you guys are even in your christmas jammies... aaaahh, I'm so jelous, I want to come and play!!! We need to have another girls get together again... im open for any Fri night and saturday, no kiddo!! Hey, we should go to Archivers... Food, treats, soda, prizes... how can you go wrong????