Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

Zen walked in the back door, just before lunch was ready today. It was so great to see him! I was missing him. But he goes out in the field again tomorrow in the wee hours, to go to Man Camp (that name still cracks me up!) It's always a mixed blessing - when he's gone, we miss him, but I know he's taking care of us by putting a roof over our head and food on the table, but when he's here too long, I worry because I know he's not making enough money to pay our bills. I hope someday we can be out of this frustrating, and heartwrenching, cycle.

Emma snuggled up to Zen, screeching for a sip of his soda pop.

But she was not amused with the delivery system.

See, bawling until the problem is fixed is the #1 weapon in a baby's arsenal. Love you daddy!!

When Dani came home from Girls' Camp, she noticed that Emma had molars. What?!! How come I didn't notice that? Although, I should have been suspicious from the runny nose she's had for nearly a week now. Seems like it always accompanies new teeth, and I forget it every time.


Sue said...

What's the blue blob on Emma's head?

Becky in Wyo said...

Just a baby barrette.

Sue said...

Oh, I thought maybe a Smurf pooped on her head.

Becky in Wyo said...
