Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Was in the Zone Today

Short and sweet post today. I got up, exercised, came home, bossed kids to help me clean the house. Love a clean house!!! I think it really helps overall mood and productivity. I worked on various things, I forget now, but I just stayed productive.

Zen called me while I was working out. He's in Pinedale right now, about 1-1/2 hours drive away, and he wanted us to come visit him so he could show us the town and take us out to eat. My first thought was, "Are you kidding, you're coming home tomorrow!" But I grumbled and told him I would ask the kids. But as the day progressed, I thought more and more about how hard Zen works for us, and it would be fun to spend some of the day with him. But, the teenagers protested a long car ride. Really, 1-1/2 hours?!! You guys have no idea. When I was a kid, we traveled for DAYS in a vehicle, and we liked it, darn it! Except when my dad randomly pulled over to take pictures, then we did lots of bellyaching. Besides, I figured I could save the gas money and out-to-eat money for when Zen is here this week, and we could take the kids to the county fair.

I finally got ready to sort through all this beading junk, and I really got into it, slashing the "keep" pile like crazy (Sue, you would be proud!) I didn't finish it all, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to ship this stuff out Monday, and it will be this HUGE load off my mind, so I can concentrate on bringing in money selling off all this scrapbooking stuff. Go, go, go!!!

P.S. Jenn, I only went to Wal-Mart four times this week. Aren't you proud of me?

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