Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dani Off to Camp

Hot Stuff!

Well, I kissed a girl goodbye this morning, figuratively speaking. I tried to hug and kiss her last week, and she told me to stop. "I'm too old for that!!" Geez. But at least all the other kids are still snugglers, even that big teenage boy. Dani is waaaaaay too into her independence. Dani is off to her first Girls' Camp. The Young Women leaders encouraged her to go, even though she doesn't turn 12 for about three more weeks. I think she'll have a great time. I sent her with my small digital camera. I'm crossing my fingers it comes back still functional, or even comes back at all. But I was willing to risk it, because I think she'll have some pics to treasure.

My body woke me up around 6:30 am this morning (remember I went to bed last night about 1:30 am?) I'm glad my body is willing to get up that early again, all things considered. Seems like I couldn't get up before 8 or 9 these past few months. I think I just lay there, thinking, and wondering if I was going to get up or not. I finally threw some clothes on, and hauled all the beading stuff to my bedroom to spread it out, intending to get around to sorting all of it:

It's the beading collection of shame.

So much I have to return, so much. Hey, let's do some beading projects at the family reunion!!! Okay, I'm kind of kidding, because I appreciate the irony here, and kind of not, because it would be a super fun thing for us, and all the kids, to do, sitting around a camp table or two. That reminds me, are there any picnic tables at the campground? Do we want to braid leather keychains or anything? Just an idea. And I don't want to hear anyone mocking me for wanting more supplies when I'm returning so much. JUST SHUT UP. Here are a few projects I found:
Braided leather necklace - Okay, just a simple, braided necklace, we could easily change the pendant, or just remove it, make it short for a bracelet, or even shorter for keychains. Supplies wouldn't cost that much (geez, quit mocking me, you Dave Ramsey Nazi's!), and I bet we could do projects for as cheap as $2 or $3 a piece, and the nicer ones probably wouldn't cost more than $10 each, depending on what pendants and beads you want to add.
Dragonfly keychain - it's not leather braiding, but Sue, this reminds of of Sam C.

I think I'll skip all the detail about what I did today, just suffice it to say, I didn't waste time. I stayed busy, which is kind of the point, biking to the car dealership to get Zen's car, shopping at Wal-Mart, helping kids, then cleaning the kitchen & making bread. I sat down and looked at my email, which led to blog comments, which led to reading the weight loss blog Sue mentioned in her comments. Then around two, I focused on getting my sewing work done. I made dinner around 6:30, and somewhere around 7:30, the power went out. We ran to the library, which was closed, then came home and I just hung out in the driveway in a camp chair, watching the kids play. Then, picking up Zen from work, getting baby ready for bed, and now to bloggging. I still get distracted by so many things in the house, and with the kids, so I've got to work on staying focused, and structuring my days just like I worked at a job away from the house. But, Jenn I did go to Wal-Mart twice today. That makes three so far this week. Sheesh. When it's only five minutes from the house and is on the main drag, where I go to so many other places, it's no wonder I can wind up there practically everyday.

Emma got into the baby supplies box in the pantry, and drug out all the smaller binkies she's outgrown.

So many binkies, but only one mouth. What's a girl to do?

Emma LOVES hotdogs, almost as much as chocolate. Just give her one, and she takes off running around the house, all jazzed up with her travel snack.


Anonymous said...

wow, Dani is off to girls camp?? She is sooo lucky! I loved girls camp! My dream has always been to be the camp leader in my ward... guess that I would have to have a calling in the young womans huh... oh well, maybe I will give my Bish' a hint or two!!

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, I love the idea of making some cool leather crafts, I was also thinking of getting everyone a whistle like the kind that we had at Kearney Lake, and then teach all of our kiddos why we use them in emergencies and stuff!! Lets talk some more about this and get it figured out.
Yes there are camp tables there too!!

Sue said...

First part of the post: no comment...

Pics at the end: Love the raw hotdog face! Amelia does the same thing.

Jenn said...

Welcome back to the blogging world. And don't worry, I'm going to start a tally sheet and keep it next to my computer. It looks like this week you've got two trips so far. I think you may single handedly keep those guys in business!