Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bills Shmills

Just a bill day today. I don't even have any cute anecdotes to share. At least Emma is back to her normal spunky self. Whew!

I felt better when I woke up, which surprisingly was 6:30 am. I could still feel the edge of exhaustion wanting to creep in, but I resisted and got myself up. I exercised, helped kids, dressed, balance my checkbook, and paid bills. But when Deet went down for a nap, so did I. Then, I was up again, working on bills, then cooking dinner, eating, playing with Connor and Emma, organizing some things in my craftroom, reading stories to Connor, and now I'm going to bed. Sorry, nothing interesting to report. Here are a couple random pictures for your amusement:

5 Aug 06 - and so it begins, Connor's obsession with water

10 Aug 06 - Dude, do I have to eat the whole thing?

Yep, you're still the Biggie!

1 comment:

Lois Ann said...

I see on Facebook that Sue was commenting about Williams too. I am glad you are feeling better. Keep a supply of your meds close at hand and look forward to more "feel better" days.