Friday, November 16, 2007

Randomly Friday

Well, not much in particular to talk about today, and there's not much activity on the family blogs, so I thought I would post a little something.

Kind of disturbing isn't it? This is the sight that greeted me when I walked in the door from my Cub Scout Pack Meeting. It had been a long, hard day and I was so glad it was over. Apparently, it all caught up with Connor, too, and he was so tired he sacked out on the stairs, maybe waiting for me to get home. Warms my heart.


Jenn said...

That is the funniest picture! I have to give you credit because you are the only one who ever leaves a comment on my blog (and maybe the only one who looks at it, who knows?) and I can always rely on you to leave something, anything! So in return I am following your example and trying to comment on all posts too. A big thank you goes out to you for making my day with your comments.

Jenn said...

oh yes, I just got called to cub scouts too. woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Cuter than "CATS".


Sue said...

Is Zen becoming a blog stalker?

Becky, where are you? I may not have time to blog myself, but at least I can check on everybody else's each day. I'm missing you!