Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hi, My Name Is Bob

Okay, it's probably a teenager thing, but Gil has adopted a phrase that indicates any number of things. And that is, "Hi, my name is Bob." (Sorry, Zen's-brother-in-law, it's not personal, I don't know where he got it, it's a mystery) What does it mean, exactly? Well, I'm not entirely clear on the issue, but here are some of the uses:
1. "Yes, I'm a dork."
2. "Just wanted to say hi."
3. "Needed to have some random words fall out of my mouth, pressure release thing."
4. General random nothingness.
5. Another variation is "My name is Jimmy."

Gil has been teaching this phrase to Connor for a while. When Dani got home from school yesterday, Connor was in the tub. I didn't hear the start of this cute bit, but I'm guessing she got Connor to start saying it, and then he wouldn't stop! He kept screaming at me to come watch him say, "My name is Bob" over and over and over. Of course, it didn't help that we kept giggling. At one point, I made Gil go in the bathroom and sit with Connor - "This is basically your fault, so you get to sit in here and listen to your brother."


Sue said...

I freakin' laughed my guts out when I read this! So Garlitz! Remember all the weird phrases we had like "I'm totally bearded,"
"Hi, I live in carriage cove" (maybe this one was just between Don and I,) and "Ooh Mom, can we watch you squeeze Dad's oil wells?" We are SO, SO culturally unrefined!

Becky in Wyo said...

Yeah, I don't see any country clubs in our future, soooo disappointing.

Becky in Wyo said...

One word: Greebils

Sue said...

I almost put Greebles on the list, too! Whenever Lily's friends are over and I tell them I need to clean the greebles off the counter before they eat, they're always like, "what are greebles?!

zenmaster said...

ha haaaaaa!!!
this was so funny, it was better than "CATS"!
I laughed again ha haaaa, and again haaaaa!