Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Little Breakfast Humor

Artery-clogging Goodness - Well, I finally lost two more pounds, so I thought I'd celebrate yesterday morning with a little bacon. I only had three pieces, I swear! Aaaaahhh...


Jenn said...

hey Becky, it's Jenn. Josh and I haven't had the internet for the past two weeks or so,(we still don't, I am secretly checking out blogs while at work) so I've been out on the whole blogging thing. Imagine my surprise when I come to your page today to see that you have become a blogging fiend! I just wanted to say thanks for making the last fifteen minutes of work go by a lot faster, and keep up the good work!

Becky in Wyo said...

You're totally welcome! I tend to be a little wordy, and maybe blogging is just a phase I'm going through, I don't know. But for now it looks like I'll have a post nearly everyday. Rock on! (oops! I mean Blog on!)