Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just Say No . . . to Gaseous Emissions

Okay, I think I may already need an intervention. Help! I've been following around a trail of blogs off and on all day, and I see no end in sight. Here are some of the blogs I've found so far:
* Hobo Teacher An amusing/bitterly-sarcastic look at teaching high school students. Made me tear up in laughter! Been reading this one too much today.
* Hobo Teacher - The Farter post (Sue this post is for you!)
* Tartelette - a dessert foodie blog. The pictures are rich, and the food sounds great, but I don't know if I'm this sophisticated yet. Lora, I bet you would love this one, and we all expect great things from you at the next gathering! Although, because these are treats, Sue could give you a good run for your money! A few suggestions, Baked Doughnuts, Marbled Ricotta Cheesecake Brownies, or Vanilla Cream Cheese Cupcake Cones
* print & pattern - a great graphic design site. I didn't follow any of her links, but I would really, really like to soon ... sigh.

Now that I read this, it seems like a pathetically short blog list. But I spent hours here, and I still had more to read. Can I get paid to read blogs? Seriously, I know there are people out there who do exactly that. But, Connor has been spraying me off and on all day with his cute little water sprayer (he's the true water master, not Gil), and I'm afraid reading and writing blogs all day may not be a child-friendly occupation. But I can fantasize, can't I?

1 comment:

The Donnells said...

Let me just say that the Tartlette site is so luscious. It doesn't help that I haven't had lunch yet, but everything looks so good. I am definently going to try the chocolate tart with caramel sauce. Or I am just going to get already made cupcakes at the store, either way I have a major sweet tooth now.