Friday, July 16, 2010

What the --?!!!! I'm Glad I'm Not Nursing!

"See me? Mmm... fingers are yummy!"

"Can I get my whole fist in my mouth?"

"My thumb is the best part!" But, he sure has been diggin' his binky lately. I wonder why?

Wait for it...

"See my tooth? I'm such a big boy!!!!" This afternoon Dani yelled down the stairs at me, "Mom, you've got to come see this! Sammy has a tooth!!!" I'm sitting downstairs, concentrating on making some cards to go with my apology chocolate zucchini bread for the sisters I visit teach and my VT partner (forgot our appointments last night, yes, I'm a dork). Anyway, I heard that, and I kind of mentally rolled my eyes. "Man, she's delusional. It's waaaaay too early for teeth," I thought. Several hours later, I got around to checking in Sammy's mouth, and sure enough! He has his first tooth. Go figure! "I'm a big kid now!" Makes me glad I'm not nursing.


Sue said...

Holy teeth, Batman! Sammy even beat Amelia's first tooth at what seemed an amazing 4 months young.

Get that boy a steak! And amen on the not nursing!

Jenn said...

Bennett got his first tooth this week too and it's the exact same tooth as Sammy's. Here's to the joys of teething. Oh, and I am nursing, so this should be interesting.