Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Houston, We Have A Problem

2 Jul
3 Jul
Sam definitely loves to suck on his fingers. One the one hand, it's completely adorable. On the other hand, you can't take away their thumb when they're older, and thumb-sucking isn't cute anymore.

Since taking these pics a little over a week ago, I have definitely made a concerted effort to get him addicted to, umm, I mean used to, a binky. I think it's working, because even though he mostly spits it out when he's awake, he definitely goes to town on it when he's tired and I lay him down for a nap.


Sue said...

I'm all about getting your baby addicted to a binky. It preserves your sanity those first couple of years and it's MUCH easier to have the Binky Fairy come than it is to cut both of their thumbs off!

Jenn said...

Cute, cute, cute. My little guy sucked his thumb for the first couple of months of his life but gave up the habit luckily. I do find it quite adorable though.