Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Caboose Has Arrived!

Aunt Susie, guest blogging:

It's been an eventful day at the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County in Rock Springs, WY.  We arrived at the hospital just before 6:00am.

This is the last time you'll see Becky like this:

Yep, the tubes are tied and Baby Samuel is the caboose.

Since Becky knew this would be her last baby, she invited me to accompany her in the operating room for her C-Section so I could photograph the birth. It was awesome!

Especially my outfit:

After having done this whole C-Section thing twice before, Becky was totally relaxed and joking with the anesthesiologist as her surgery got underway.

Samuel (no middle name yet) Allred was born just a couple of minutes later at 7:39am.

He has a healthy set of lungs and did plenty of squalking while they cleaned him up.

Samuel has really long fingers and toes and is all ready for his first nail clipping.

Becky got to say a brief hello before the nurses took Samuel to the nursery to get weighed and measured while the docs sewed Becky up.

Happy to be in the warmer:

I was allowed to accompany Samuel to the nursery even though the rules say only the parents can go in. The nurse let me hang out and take lots of pictures even after Zen came in to meet Samuel. I got a kick out of him taking a cell phone pic to send to Gil and Dani.

Grammie stood outside the big nursery window taking lots of her own pictures and video.

Sam was quite alert after all of his initial tests. He weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and measured 20 1/2 inches long.

Meeting Grammie:

After about an hour and a half Becky finally got to hold her sweet baby boy.

The proud Daddy making the "baby news" phone calls.

Becky and Sam are both doing well, resting off their birthing hangover. I'm sure Becky will have more pictures to post over the next few days.

Congrats, Becky and Zen, and thank you for letting me share in your final birth experience! Love you!


Lois Ann said...

And thanks for inviting me to come along for the party too. It was a great and satisfying day.

Jenn said...

Ah, he is so sweet. Congratulations Allred family, Sam's making baby hungry already! I love his tiny fingers and he looks so much like Conner! And Sue those pictures are awesome, where were you when I had Bennett? I may have to hire you for baby #2. Congrats again, I can't wait for more pics:)

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the pics!!!!! Becky and Zen... Congrats on your last little man, he is so cute!!! Connor is going to love showing him the ropes of how to be a crazy boy... Good luck with that! Hope you are feelin better soon Becky... When can we expect another girls weekend??? Let me know! Love you guys!!