Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bring on the Dirt

Apr 15 - Spring has been approaching for several weeks. For several weeks after the flurry of snow on the day Sam was born, we had spring weather and Emma and Connor ventured out into the back yard to dig around in the dirt.

Emma loves to eat dirt and rocks. Every time she comes in from playing in the dirt patch that is our back yard, her mouth is covered in dirt. Though, I think she just savors the rocks and spits them out when she's done.

Two compatriots in our dirt patch. I've been saying for several summers that we need to put grass in our back yard. Think it will happen this year?

1 comment:

Sue said...

Eating dirt... some mineral deficiency? Time to give that girl some vitamins. The fruity bites and strawberry milk just aren't cuttin' it!

Somehow I don't see the lawn being high on the priority list. Unless you offer to pay Gil a chunk of money to be your yard slave.

As if.