Monday, January 21, 2008

First Time on the Ice

Dani and I had been talking about it for a while, but we finally took Connor out on the ice a few weekends ago, Jan. 11, and we had a great time! Dani and her friend Sam (girl), mostly skated by themselves, but she pitched in with Connor occasionally and helped him on the ice.

Yes, I am in a pic every now and then. I just had to have one with me and Connor our first time out on the ice together.

Connor had to be held up the whole way around, but he had a blast! We finally had to kick him off the ice when my lower back began to protest after 1-1/2 hours of propping him up. Then, he climbed the bleachers over and over and named the letters posted on the wall labeling all the bleacher sections, "A....B....C....!"

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