Monday, January 14, 2008

Childbirth in a Small Town

Man, I'm irritated. I'll spare you the long explanation I was given, but suffice it to say that our small town hospital won't allow the ob's to do VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean) here. I'm really not looking forward to another cesarean because it was just so weird not being able to use my stomach muscles for about two weeks afterwards the last one. I felt like my stomach was hanging down to my toes, a very bizarre sensation. I probably went around, literally holding my guts in for a while. Maybe it won't be so bad this time, if I keep up my exercising. I don't know. I also have the option of finding a doctor in Utah, who delivers at a bigger hospital, but the logistics of driving back and forth to Utah during the last several months, let alone when I'm in labor, kind of puts a damper on that for me. Comments/suggestions are welcome.


Jenn said...

I'm sorry that does not sound like fun. This may sound like a stupid question, but how many times do you have to visit with the doctor who will do your delivery? The best thing to do would be to plan a day to be induced so you wouldn't have to drive while in labor. And try to only meet with the doctor as few times as possible before that if you don't want the c-section. And meet with your Wyoming doctor for the rest of your visits. Your mom is probably the best person to talk to on this matter. Good Luck! Random Question for the family:
Does Lora know what she's having yet?

Becky in Wyo said...

Yeah, the thing with a VBAC is that you have to go into labor on your own, no induction, and they can't give you pitocin to speed along the labor. So, there's just no controlling when labor starts if you want to do a VBAC. Which means I would have to hope labor lasts long enough for me to get to Utah, or I would need to find a place to camp out for several weeks with my kids in Salt Lake, waiting for labor to start. And after all this, I could still wind up with a c-section, if regular labor didn't work. So, I'm in a quandry.