Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just When You Thought You Had Enough Board Games...

I think the end of daycare is starting to sink in for Connor, because now he's driving me crazy with his boredom. He's playing less trains (an individual sport), and turned to board games, where I think he's figured out it takes two to play, which is what he's after. We probably have nearly 20 board games on top of the shelves in our tv room, but they are all geared towards older kids. I dug out this Blues Clues Memory game for him. Aaah, Memory, a classic game. It was probably my favorite when I was little.

For once, I turned the camera over to someone else, so I could be in a picture. Dani was playing with us, so she took the pics.
Connor was so excited to find matches, although most of the time we pointed them out for him. He kept screaming to get another match, and by the end of the game his eyes were bugged out, his face was red, and he was jumping up and down.

Can you recommend some games for 3-year olds? All I can think of is Hungry Hungry Hippos and Candyland.

End Post #14, 2009

1 comment:

Sue said...

I loved Memory, too. We put in a lot of hours on it, didn't we?

Some game ideas? Chutes and Ladders, Go Fish, Yahtzee (of course he won't "get" it, but he'll have fun throwing the dice.)