Monday, August 18, 2008

Where Has the Time Gone?

Emma is now two months old, so I took her two-month anniversary pictures last night out in our yard. She was very cooperative, all things considered. The basket is one that my Mom gave to me that belonged to Gram. I believe it was one of her knitting baskets. Correct me if I'm wrong. I couldn't decide which picture was the cutest, so you'll have to put up with half a dozen.

You know me, I can't resist the goofy pics!


Sue said...

I love the top one with her fist in her mouth and the third one with her pretty blue eyes gazing off into the distance. Such a cutie!

Jenn said...

Wow, it looks like the formula really is working. She is getting really chubby! I wish I could have seen her while you were down here, but at least you have the blog so you can share pictures!

Lizzy Lou said...

I'm so glad to see that the little furrowed eye brows have improved. She looks so lovely in pink. And the basket was Gram's mail basket. She kept her cards and letters in it on her kitchen table.