Friday, May 2, 2008

Part Dos

Just taking the high road today:


Sue said...

Yay! You found your calendar!

There is NOTHING quite like a dog fart. You really don't know what you're missing. Hank, among his many problems, had some serious bowel disfunction. He was rotting from the inside out. I have NEVER smelled anything so foul. Now, whenever someone lets an especially rank fart, I always say, "freakin' Hanky butt!"

Jenn said...

Sue, you have spoken the truth. My favorite experience with Coal, was when we were building our house. We were meeting with the carpet guy and Coal let one rip (if you will). Of course it was silent, yet very deadly. I smelt it, and jut hoped the carpet guy wouldn't have to suffer as well. Then his face went sour, he looked at Josh and said "was that you?" Seriously, it was the funniest thing. Josh told him it was the dog, although he probably didn't believe him.

Becky in Wyo said...

People in this house have been pestering and pestering me to get a dog, and I have just refused outright. 'Cause you know who's going to be responsible for the thing in the end, don't you? And I currently enjoy my slobber-free, dog-hair-free, poop-in-the-yard-free, and doggie-gaseous-explosion-free life.