Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dream Home Toy Room? Maybe Not

You know, in my dream home there is a BIG toy room, where all the kids' toys will live and the kids can go in there and mess it up to their hearts' content. But would that work, really?

After wallking through a pigsty for three or four days, I put my foot down and the kids and I cleaned the upstairs. Connor and Sam's room, also known as the toy room, often gets neglected, but I was tired of carefully stepping through the mess like it was a minefield. So, we put all the toys away in the right places and vacuumed the cracker crumbs off the carpet. See how clean and lovely it is? But did Connor want to set up his trains in there?

No, he hauled everything out to the hallway and main living area, where all the action is.

I think in my dream home, the toy room will have to merge with the tv room in one big living area, or I'm still going to find toys all over the house! Dang kids!


Sue said...

In my dream home there are no toys.

Just kidding. Mostly.

I am SO craving order and cleanliness in my home and I just don't know if it's possible in the space we have. The amount of positive mental energy it takes to ride herd on kids so they'll do their chores is sometimes more than I have in me.

laboratoire golnet said...

nice room for baby how can i get it