Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gil's Sweet 16 and Emma's Terrible-2 Birthday

Zen was out in the field for Emma's birthday on June 17th, so we held off the family party until he was back in town. Gil's b-day was July 5th, so we had both Emma's and Gil's party on the Fourth of July.

Yummm, sneaking an icing lick is half the fun!

Ha, ha!!!


I made a strawberry-banana cake with Cool Whip frosting for Emma, and a blueberry cheesecake for Gil. Scary calories, but oh so tasty.

We all saw Toy Story 3 with Sue and her kids just a few days before this. I knew it would be a big hit, so I stocked up on the Toy Story figures a few months before the movie came out, thinking that the most popular figures would be sold out by the time her birthday rolled around.

Emma LOVED the toys...

...and so did Connor. He'd been begging for a Buzz Lightyear for months, and it was excruciating for him to see his sister get one before him. So I went out the next morning and bought another Buzz, without the popout wings. That one is "Emma's Buzz" and winged Buzz is "Connor's Buzz." Normally, I only buy the kids toys on birthdays and Christmas, but I made an exception this time.

Aahhhh, cheesecake pleasure! Blueberry cheesecake is Gil's favorite, and this is the fourth birthday in a row I've made one for him.

What does a 16-year-old want for his birthday? A car, of course. And as a matter of fact, that might happen. Zen has gone out to Dickinson, North Dakota, so many times, that he a a few coworkers were wishing they had a car to drive around while they were in town. One of them found this old car, in okay condition, for $500, and they all pitched in and bought it. Cheaper than a car rental, that's for sure. Anyway, the deal is that Zen gets to drive it home and keep it when the Dickinson rotations come to an end, supposedly in a few months. It's not a sure thing, but it's a probability, and Gil is excited about that. In the meantime, he'll have to content himself with the preorder of the Starcraft II computer game we bought for him, and which comes out on July 27th. He's counting down the days.


Lois Ann said...

I see you are up blogging this morning too. Grandmas sure do love the photos... Thanks a bunch.

Lois Ann said...

About Gil and a car... I had suggested to Zen that once such a conveyance was obtained for the 16 year old, that he get to go spend some time with his grandpa in Star Valley and learn how to take care of it. But maybe he knows something about that already?